Job Consultancy Companies

Job Image By Education Funda
How Job Consultancy Companies Works

Job Image By Education Funda

"Job Consultancy Companies" is basically works as a middle person just like a 'broker' which suggest you a job according to your skills and knowledge. Their services are available by both 'companies' having job openings and job seekers who are looking for 'employment'.

Connection With Job Seekers:
  • They firstly get the information of job seeker's from various websites such as; shine, naukri, times-job, etc because these consultancy companies are tie up with these websites that's why they able to get information of job seekers. 
  • Secondly they are calling to job seekers.  

How To Know Which Job Consultancy Companies Is True/Fake ?

Real or Fake Companies Image By Education Funda
True Situation:-

If  'Consultancy Company' will call you say that your profile is selected for this designation job profile, and give you the company address instead of themselves/own company address than say please go in this company for 'Interview' and don't demand for any rupee or money so, it means this Consultancy Company is True.

Fake Situation:-

If  'Consultancy Company' will call you say that your profile is selected for this designation job profile, and give you the themselves/own company address and say to you please come in our office for 'Interview'. So it means this Consultancy Company is Fake.

Than this Consultancy Company HR take 'Interview' of your's or maybe they will complete your next round of 'Interview' in telephonic call. So it also means this Consultancy Company is Fake.

And if any Consultancy Company is said you just need to give some interview fee such as: 500 Rupees, 1000 Rupees than it also means this Consultancy Company is Fake.

You can get more information about these all in following video too :)

Thank You For Reading This Article !


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